Sometimes there are things that stand in the way of our dreams. We might feel that we don't have enough time, or space, or stuff, or money to do all the things we want to do. More time could mean getting everything done, having time for hobbies, dreams of all sizes, more time with our families, and time for tedious domestic tasks without ever dropping the ball or feeling exhausted.ย More stuff could mean realising a big dream or ... Read the Post...
Summer Colour Schemes
One of the things I like the most is the seasons changing. My favourite season is autumn, but it's hard to choose! There are lovely things about each of them, and one of the nicest things is the seasons changing. It has a kind of bittersweetness to it, that the previous season is over and a new one is beginning. Going out for a bit of a walk around the village at this time of year, the colours are different. There are obvious things, like ... Read the Post...
How to Slow Down a Bit in Summer
Often, when the nice weather comes round again and the days are longer and warmer, we have an idea in our heads of what our summer days will be like. Not rushing, not feeling stressed, not sweating buckets as we dash from one thing to the next, but sitting in the garden with a glass of lavender lemonade, listening to birds singing and children playing. Unfortunately, reality is often not like this at all! In a society that does not acknowledge ... Read the Post...
Paintings From the Lupins Colour Scheme
Last week I shared a tiny weaving I made using embroidery thread, with a piece of cardboard as a loom. I used colours from a colour scheme I made from a photo of some lupins. The colours are so beautiful, I still feel like I haven't exhausted them! Wanting to play about with them a little bit more earlier in the week, I located my watercolours and had a fun hour or so of no pressure, low expectations painting. Neat paintings of actual ... Read the Post...