A Spring Wreath With Bunting
I’m on a mission at the moment.
That mission is to make as much bunting related stuff as I can.
Over the last couple of weeks I have made paper bunting and fabric bunting with the letters of the word spring appliqued to it. That’s still up in the garden from photographing. I’ve decided it looks nice there, so it’s staying!
My latest project is a spring wreath with bunting.
It came together pretty quickly. I used a willow wreath form that I already had, some silk tulips, some ribbon and some bunting that I ran up quickly.
How to Make a Spring Wreath With Bunting
You Will Need: a willow wreath form, scraps of fabric, fusible interfacing
, bias binding, pencil, paper and ruler, silk flowers
, ribbon
, wire (these are affiliate links).
To Make the Bunting
1. Make the template for the flags by drawing a line 5 cm long. Find the middle of the line, then draw another line also 5 cm long at right angles to the first. Join the end of the 2nd line to the ends of the first to make a triangle.
2. Fuse the interfacing to the scraps of fabric.
3. Using the template, cut out triangles from the fabric scraps. I made 5 flags because an odd numbers of things usually looks better, but the bunting was probably slightly too long for my 25 cm wreath! Be guided by the size of your wreath form.
4. Cut your bias binding to the right length. It will need to be long enough to go across the wreath and to have the ends tucked in.
5. Fold the bias binding in half length ways. Starting in the middle, slip the flags into the bias binding and pin.
6. Sew along the bias binding so that the edges are sewn together and the flags are secured inside it.
Putting the Wreath Together
1. Cut the silk flowers so that you have about 8 cm of the stem remaining. To do this, gently cut through the plastic with a pair of scissors (not your best pair!) and then bend the stem back and forth until the wire snaps.
2. Tuck the flowers in at the bottom of the wreath, on one side going one way and on the other side the other way.
3. Make a bow. The best way to get a perfect bow is to fold a length of ribbon into a loop and secure with a couple of stitches. Gather it a little bit in the middle to give it some shape.
Then wrap a small piece of ribbon round the centre of the loop.
Sew it in place. Next, cut a piece for the tails and sew that to the back.
4. Thread a piece of wire through the back of the loop and twist. Push it into the wreath form between the tulips.
5. Tuck one end of the bunting into the wreath form. Take the other end and tuck that it on the opposite side.
One spring wreath with bunting!
If you enjoy making wreaths, you might also like these posts:
Linking up at these parties.
Oh, that is just so pretty! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party! pinned!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing over at the DIY Crush Craft Party. This is a gorgeous wreath! We’ve added this to our Pinterest board. Don’t forget to stop by on Thursday to add your tutorials to our next craft party!

Domenica recently posted…DIY Crush Craft Party To Link Up Your DIY’S #24
Fabby!Thank you 🙂