Reindeer Cross Stitch Christmas Decoration
The pattern for this reindeer cross stitch Christmas decoration can be downloaded by filling in the form at the bottom of the post.
Although I love making things, I have to confess that I don’t do an awful lot of Christmas crafting.
One reason for this is that it’s hard to find the time! In the past I’ve wanted to make lots of things and felt annoyed and frustrated because I didn’t have time what with everything else going on at this time of year.
Another reason is that it’s hard to think of different things to make every year.
And the third reason is that because I like my decorations to mean something, I keep everything! I’ve kept every last little thing my boys have made. There’s even a couple of things from the first time I had my own Christmas tree, twenty years ago! It all goes on the tree, and there is a limit to how much stuff we can hang off it!
I do like to make some things though. I usually make a Christmas cake and a wreath for the door, and I’ll probably make one or two other things as well when inspiration strikes!
Inspiration did strike the other day when the School of Mummy boys were doing some cross stitch. I had the idea to make a cross stitch Christmas decoration in a little embroidery hoop.

I made the design on squared paper first, then cross stitched it onto 8 count aida.
If you’d like to make a reindeer cross stitch Christmas decoration, the instructions are below and you can download the design by filling in the form at the bottom of the post.

You might also like to know that I have a limited number of kits for this in my Etsy shop. You can find out more here.
You Will Need
8 count aida in red
White embroidery thread
An 8 cm (3 inch) embroidery hoop
Felt for backing
Embroidering the Reindeer

If you’ve done cross stitch before, you’ll know what to do!
If you haven’t or if it’s been a while, here’s a reminder.
Start by finding the centre of the aida. You might want to mark this with a stitch. The centre of the design is marked on the pattern.
Decide where you want to start. It’s usual with cross stitch to work from top to bottom and left to right, but I started at the bottom and in the middle of the row! The reindeer’s chin seemed to me to be the easiest place to start.
In the past I always sewn over the ends rather than tied a knot, but while I was watching Mr X Stitch videos with my boys, I discovered that he has an ingenious way of catching the ends when you start. There’s a video here.
Form the crosses by sewing from one corner to the one diagonally opposite, then from one of the 2 remaining corners to the one diagonally opposite.
To tie off the ends, thread them through the back of some of the stitches.
Putting it in the Hoop
Take the inside part of the hoop and draw round it onto a piece of felt. Cut it out.

Pop the reindeer over the inside part of the hoop. Check that it is centred, then put the outside bit over it. You’ll probably need to loosen it a bit first.

Trim away some of the extra. Don’t cut it right back to the hoop! Leave a couple of cm. You’ll probably just need to cut off the corners.
Sew around the extra and gather it.

You could leave it there if you wanted to, but I like to sew some felt to the back so that it’s neater.

Tying the Ribbon
Cut 2 lengths of ribbon about 15 cm long.
Take one of them, fold it in half and knot the ends together. Thread the knotted ends through the metal bit on the hoop, then pull it through the loop of ribbon.
Tie the other piece of ribbon in a bow around the bottom of the metal bit.
Your reindeer cross stitch Christmas decoration is ready to hang on the tree!

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This is another Christmas embroidery hoop with a reindeer. The reindeer and the trees are appliqued onto a bit of old net curtain.

Another Christmas embroidery hoop! These have the words love, joy and peace embroidered in a wreath.

Here’s the form for the pattern! Please note that you will be added to the Tea and a Sewing Machine email list. More information about why I do this can be found here. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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The link to get the pattern is not working.
Hi Mary, it’s here: https://www.awilson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/reindeer-Christmas-cross-stitch-chart.pdf
It looks heart touching. I love the designs and the way you write all thing are appreiciated. Keep this amazing work up.

Bella recently posted…10 Best Embroidery Machines – Review and Buying Guide
Thank you
Reindeer cross stitch Christmas decoration is very pretty. The design is very beautiful and very awesome. Love design writing is beautiful. All the designs are very beautiful.