Here is another easy little tutorial for fabric Christmas decorations. It is a patchwork star made using 12 diamonds, 6 for the front and 6 for the back. This is a perfect scrap project as the star can be made as large or as small as you like.
How to Make a Patchwork Star Fabric Christmas Decoration

1. Make or find a diamond template. If you are making your own template, 2 equilateral triangles next to each other will make a diamond. Triangles with sides measuring 7 cm will make a star approximately 17 cm high.
2. Using the template, cut out 12 diamonds. Divide into 2 groups of 6 and arrange each group into star shape. You might find it useful to take a photograph at this point to help remember how you have arranged them.

3. Starting with one group, take 2 pieces, put the right sides together and sew along one edge. Open out and press seam.

4. Add another piece in the same way and press seam. Put it to one side and repeat for the other three pieces. Then join the two halves together. Sewing the pieces together in this way so that you make 2 halves of one star and then sew them together will be easier and neater than sewing each piece on separately.

5. Repeat for the other group. Sew a button into the centre of each star.
6. Take a piece of ribbon and fold in half. Match the raw edges with where you want the top of the star to be .Place on top of one of the stars, with the right side up. Make sure that the loop of the ribbon is pointing downwards. Put the other star on top with the right side down. Pin together, ensuring that the ribbon is well out of the way of where you are going to sew.
7. Sew around the edges, leaving an opening along one edge. Turn out. Stuff with polyester filling and sew up the opening.
I actually have one ready as a kit! If you would like to buy it, please feel free to send me a message!
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