There’s a song by the Saw Doctors (an Irish rock band who were big in the 90s so subsequently now are a bunch of old men!) that says about liking the seasons changing best of all. The song is here if you want to have a listen. Although I love the autumn, it’s hard to pick a favourite and I agree with the Saw Doctors. I like the seasons changing best of all.
Modern life would have us ignoring the seasons as much as possible, but I really believe that we ought to acknowledge them as much as we can. We feel differently in each season, we want to eat different things and do different things. Doing what feels right is often so much better for us than doing what we feel we should. We’re not machines. We’re part of the created world, a world that has seasons.
Taking some time to recognise and pay attention what is going on around us helps us to be more present in our lives. So often the days, weeks and months slip by without us really noticing. Spring becomes summer, summer becomes autumn, then before we know it, it is Christmas again. Another year has past, and we might feel that our lives are slipping away, while we rush around from one thing to the next, never stopping to really see what is there.
So when autumn comes round, there are things that are nice to do that we wouldn’t want to do in the summer. It gives us a chance to recognise autumn, to see it, feel it, and be present in it. Even just a little bit will be enough to make a difference, to make us feel that we really are present in our own lives.
So here are some ideas for things to make and do in the autumn. Some of these ideas come from an ebook I wrote in 2020, called Things to Make and Do in the Autumn.
Go to the woods. I love the woods all year round, but I especially love them in autumn. It’s not just the colours, but the smells and sounds as well. You could take a flask of hot chocolate or pine tea with you if it’s cold.
Plant bulbs. It has happened several times that I have planted bulbs in the autumn, completely forgot about them and then had a lovely, cheerful surprise in the spring! Even if you don’t have a garden, you could put some bulbs in a pot by your front door or in a window box.
Crochet, knit, sew or embroider something in autumn colours. You might have a project that you started in a previous autumn, or you could start a new one. I have some autumn craft kits for sale here on Etsy.
Put pumpkin spice in things. I know some people don’t like pumpkin spice, but I love it! If you like baking, it’s very easy to pop a teaspoon or too into cake batter, pancakes, or a mug of coffee.
Go blackberry picking. Blackberries grow everywhere, so even if you live in a town or a city, you’ll probably be able to find some growing wild. You could either eat them as they are, put them in a crumble or make bramble jelly.
Make autumn themed bunting to hang on a fireplace, dresser or bookshelf. You might already have scraps of fabric you can use.

I wrote Things to Make and Do in the Autumn as a celebration of autumn, and it is full of ideas for things you can do to enjoy this time of year. When I wrote it, I wanted it to feel like a treat. So the pages have autumn themed backgrounds and there are title pages with beautiful images. It’s the kind of thing you could enjoy reading on a tablet, with a hot drink and an autumn themed snack.
The sections include things to do at home, in the garden and in the kitchen, things you can do for yourself and things to do to start getting ready for Christmas that don’t feel too Christmassy. There are recipes, and craft ideas with patterns and templates.
Even though I wrote it when Wild Blossom Life was still Tea and a Sewing Machine, it says everything I want to say about living a creative life, slowing down and enjoying the seasons.
The ebook is for sale here in my Etsy shop. As a gift to you, I have a little 8 page version, which you can have for free by entering your email address into the form below. You’ll also get the free mini course Crafted Colours: Creating Colour Schemes From Photos.
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